This print by Indigenous artist Mark Nadjiwan comes matted and measures 11" x 14".
?The depiction of the gifts of sun and rain is intended to represent their “goodness” and importance to all things upon Mother Earth. In this piece, in addition to the waters and the land, one can also see two hummingbirds -- a male in flight and a female perched just below. Hummingbird (Nenookaasi to the Anishnabek) is said to be the harbinger and symbol of much that is positive and life-affirming. Among many cultures, the hummingbird is believed to represent qualities such as peace, love, joy, forgiveness, freedom, agility and comfort. Some also say this creature evokes the “lightness of being,” a highly spiritual quality. Who among us upon seeing a hummingbird can contain an immediate smile and their own light-heartedness while reflexively declaring to others, “Oh look, a hummingbird!”? Indeed, Nenookaasi is truly the teacher of “all that is good.”